The Sims Freeplay- Guide to the Campgrounds

Once you have completed the Vacationers Guide to the Outdoors Quest you can then open up the picnic area:

Firstly the area needs cleaning:

  • Gas Bottle- 10 hours 30 minutes x2 = 21 hours
  • Trash- 8 hours 30 minutes x2 = 17 hours
  • Garbage Can- 6 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 4 hours 30 minutes x3 = 13 hours 30 minutes
  • Jerry Can- 4 hours 30 minutes x3 = 13 hours 30 minutes
  • Broken Lantern- 3 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 1 hour 30 minutes x3 = 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 45 minutes x6 = 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 15 minutes x2= 30 minutes

Total: 3 days 12 hours 30 minutes

NOTE: use as many sims as possible (max 10) to clean up quicker!

Once you have cleaned the area you can start on the Survivalist Hobby

  • This is a time limited hobby, you have 7 days to complete the hobby for the first time to unlock picnic baskets
  • Once you have completed the hobby you unlock the suspension bridge, bird feeders and lookout post
  • Teens, Adults and Seniors can do this hobby but only one sim can complete it at once

TIP: you can send another sim to a neighbours to complete quicker with two sims!

  • Click on the compass/ survival gear in the middle of the picnic area:
  • The only option is explore for 2 hours 30 minutes

TIP: when using LPs you can wait for half an hour to pass then you will only need to use 1LP to speed it up instead of 2!

Once you complete the survivalist hobby you unlock the suspension bridge, bird feeders and deer spring falls lookout (use the lookout to complete the goal to test the depths)



Build the suspension bridge to access the rest of the campground and storyteller hobby.

Once you have access that area it needs cleaning:

  • Garbage Can- 6 hours 30 minutes x2 =13 hours
  • Trash- 8 hours 30 minutes x5 =42 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 15 minutes
  • Trash- 45 minutes x3 =2 hours 15 minutes
  • Trash- 4 hours 30 minutes x5 =22 hours 30 minutes
  • Jerry Can- 4 hours 30 minutes x2 =9 hours
  • Gas Bottle- 10 hours 30 minutes x5 =52 hours 30 minutes
  • Broken Lantern- 3 hours 30 minutes x3 =10 hours 30 minutes
  • Oil Drum- 12 hours 30 minutes x3 =37 hours 30 minutes
  • Trash- 1 hour 30 minutes

NOTE: use as many sims as possible (max 10) to clean up quicker!

Once that area is clear you can start on the Storyteller Hobby

  • Again this is a time limited hobby, you have 7 days to complete the hobby for the first time to unlock the campfire
  • Once you have completed the hobby you unlock the tents, canoe and deer meadow
  • Teens, Adults and Seniors can do this hobby but only one sim can complete it at once

TIP: you can send another sim to a neighbours town to complete quicker with two sims!

  • Click on the storyteller chair next to the campfire:


  • There are 4 options, you need to complete one row at a time before you unlock the next option when you complete this quest for the first time

TIP: I wouldn’t use the lucky spin on this hobby, it will be cheaper to just speed up the action with LPs!

Once you complete the storyteller hobby you unlock tents, deer meadow and the canoe





At the entrance to the campgrounds there is an information board where you can:

  • Examine Map- 5 minutes
  • Read History- 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Plan Trip- 2 hours 30 minutes


Thanks for reading!


75 thoughts on “The Sims Freeplay- Guide to the Campgrounds

  1. I have a weekly task to take a selfie at the lookout, but I do not appear to be clever enough to figure out how.

    No cameras in the Home Store, and nothing I click on at the camping area seems to provide a photo option.

    Any ideas?

  2. How difficult is the Storyteller hobby? The survivalist one took so long for me so I am hoping this will not be as bad.

  3. I built the bridge and am now working on cleaning up the second area. Looks like there is a dock there. Do you know if we will be able to have boats ?

  4. Question: the ranger is still hovering in my camp ground. Does that means there’s something I still need to build or clean up? I can’t find anything.

    • Have you finished building everything, including all the tents? I haven’t built all the tents yet so I don’t know if he is meant to leave when you finish, he may just stay there!

      • I’ve built all the tents and I can’t find anything else to build. I’ll have another good look around but maybe he is just meant to stay? If he leaves when you’re done building, I might have to go through what you’ve built with you to see what I’ve missed. Thanks, as ever.

      • Well I don’t have another social points due to facebook suspending my account so I will never finish the tents! The other things are the deer meadows and the canoe

      • Don’t worry about contacting Facebook humans, just create a new account with your real name…you may have to use another email account to do so.

      • I don’t really want thousands of strangers knowing my full name to be honest and that isn’t the problem, the problem is my facebook page that people can like- I still won’t be able to access it if I just created a new account.

      • Can you change the name on the account? Must tell them its Jane Carrier or some other plausible real name. Or are they gonna makes you cough up a birth certificate?

  5. I wasn’t going to do this quest during the current EA push; I don’t see a need for it or for the camping accessories…until 2 days after it started, EA added an ad saying you needed to do it to get “all” the “plant packs”. *That* I want, so I’m now trying to finish it quickly, but I haven’t seen the “plant pack” ad for a couple of days…can you tell me how to get it/them? Is it part of one of the two hobbies? I now have the sleeping bags, which I don’t need and really don’t want, but so far, I see no sign of the plant packs.

  6. Maybe I am missing something, but I can’t seem to unlock the suspension bridge until “Survivalist hobby – grand prize won”. I have completed the hobby 3 times already and no prizes have been offfered. I am starting to think I either have an older or newer version of the game…?

    • If you started this hobby during the outdoors event you wouldn’t have been able to unlock the suspension bridge first time you completed it, all you can really do is try again and hopefully this time you will unlock it, if not you should contact EA to see if they can fix this issue for you.

  7. Hi! Thanks for all your help so far. What is the “survivalist hobby – grand prize won”? I not complete the picnic basket challenge in time and cannot unlock the bird feeders, bridge, or anything else. I’ve been “exploring” for forever and still no luck. Do you know how I can unlock the bird feeders or bridge to actually do something at the campgrounds and what the grand prize is?

    • If you started this hobby during the outdoors event you wouldn’t have been able to unlock the suspension bridge first time you completed it, all you can really do is try again and hopefully this time you will unlock it, if not you should contact EA to see if they can fix this issue for you.

  8. I have completed the survivalist hobby several times, yet it still will not let me unlock the suspension bridge. What am I missing?

    • If you started this hobby during the outdoors event you wouldn’t have been able to unlock the suspension bridge first time you completed it, all you can really do is try again and hopefully this time you will unlock it, if not you should contact EA to see if they can fix this issue for you.

  9. Do you have any post regarding the outdoors event? It’s a past event that rewarded lucky players with all-new outdoor lightnings like lantern, home tents, and new kinds of flowers such as sunflower and trees. Players were given 10 days to do the event and each time they completed the collection they received one set of the prizes. Did you manage to complete the event and get all the prizes?

      • FYI I found out you have to use an Adult or Teen to test the Depth, I was having issues with not being able to complete it. I was using a Senior as since they have completed all Life Goals and such but they can’t do this weekly challenge.

  10. I finished my camp grounds and thot i was done but why does the “park ranger” keep adding me if i completed everything …. i can’t find anything to complete … i think i did everything ….

  11. I completed the quest, and built everything and completed the survivalist and storyteller hobbies, but I can’t get the picnic area – there is no option to build. Is there something I’m missing?

  12. I have gotten the Plan a trip at the campground task in my weekly tasks twice now and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to complete it! I don’t know what I’m missing! I have completed the survivalist hobby and am in the middle of cleaning up the story teller area.

  13. I completed the survivalist hobby, but nothing has unlocked. It says Grand Prize and shows it without a tick. Did I miss something? What’s the Grand Prize? I need to do it so I can build everything :\

  14. Have you gotten weekly task “woohoo in the campground”? I sent my marriage couple and made them woohoo in tent but the task still there. Did I do something wrong?

    • Never had that task before! If it didn’t work it may be because some tasks aren’t recognising when you complete them so you could try again, tell EA it doesn’t complete, skip with LPs or leave it until they update the game again and then it will complete straight away.

      • If you read down a bit further someone explained how to do this: ‘Just got this. I try two couples. I have one tent, one couple woohoo in tent the other woohoo outside with same time. Then it’s done. One couple married, another is partner (maybe doesn’t matter).’

  15. Weightlessmagic, I am in awe of everything that you do! I’ve said before how immensely grateful I am that you do so much for Sims Freeplay. I absolutely would not be able to successfully play this game without you! I have a question about the announcement of the Survivalist quest coming up very soon. I’ve read everything you’ve posted but I’m still confused. I haven’t done anything yet with the Deer Spring Falls area. I saw that it includes the Survivalist hobby as part of developing the camping area. Is the Survivalist event that EA has scheduled to be available soon the same as the Survivalist hobby in the Deer Spring Falls area development or is it a different “quest?” I’ve been in the hospital last week for a day for a procedure and have to go back again on this Thursday for another procedure. It’s been very difficult to do this Chic quest with everything going on with my health. I don’t want to now also get involved with the Deer Spring Falls area if I don’t need to for the Survivalist quest coming out soon. Should I start building the area now? I’m so confused and they keep piling on one activity after another and a glitch I have with every download for new events causes my game to shut down constantly. Twice I have lost ALL progress for all of my 35 Sims. I was so upset I could’ve cried. I’ve contacted Firemonkeys several times about this problem in the past 2 years and apparently they don’t know how to fix it. All they do is send me links to articles to read which I have many times. If there is anything you can tell me about what is the best thing to do about the upcoming Survivalist quest, I would be ecstatic! I apologize for the length of this comment and sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read it. You really are SO awesome!!

    • Aw that is very kind of you, thank you!
      If you haven’t start building the campgrounds yet then I wouldn’t recommend starting now just for this event. This event uses the survivalist hobby which you only unlock once you have built deer spring falls and then complete the vacationers quest and then complete the survivalist hobby once in the time limit to unlock the picnic basket so that will take over 2 weeks to complete. The outdoor event isn’t the same as the event you complete when you first unlock the survivalist hobby as that one only needs to be completed once in a 7 day time limit instead of 7 times in a 10 day time limit like the outdoor event, sorry it is hard to explain!
      I’m sorry to hear about the problems with your game! It is frustrating when they can’t find a fix
      Thank you! 🙂

  16. hi
    for the pit that lead to waterfall, right below the bridge, is that supposed to be empty, or should flew with water? because mine only got dirt 😦

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