The Sims Freeplay- The Mysterious Island Quest

LEVEL UNLOCKS: 10 UNLOCKS: mysterious island TIME LIMIT: 2 days PRIZE: sentinel replica

Completing this quest unlocks the mysterious island and island monuments. If you complete this quest within the 2 day time limit you will unlock the Sentinel Replica statue. You can still complete this quest once the time limit is up to unlock the island you just won’t get the Sentinel Replica prize
How long does this quest take to complete?


Times may vary depending on what star rating the item has.

  • Watch the news on TV- 4 minutes 30 seconds


  • Find the mysterious island on a globe- 1 minute 30 seconds (the globe can be found in the decorations section for S10,000)


  • Download bridge schematics on a computer- 6 minutes 18 seconds


  • Post bridge schematics using post box- 1 second


  • Call construction team on phone- 11 minutes


  • Watch ‘found’ on TV- 17 minutes


  • Drink herbal tea- 2 minutes (using a teapot from the kitchen section) (if blue footprints appear read this post)
  • Call the construction team on phone- 11 minutes
  • Bake croissants using a stove- 18 hours (can be started early)
  • Build the mysterious bridge- time and cost varies (start reading big book of stuff now for next quest-raiders of the lost artifact if you want to complete quickly) (need more money?)
these are the requirements I had but times and prices may vary


Time Limited Prize: Sentinel Replica


Is the prize worth it? The prize is a statue for the garden, it’s unusual and I like it but I wouldn’t worry too much if you don’t complete in time as it doesn’t do anything.

Where can I find it? Outdoor decorations section

Cost? The first one is free, after that they cost S7,500

Watch my step by step video of this quest here:

The next quest is Raiders of the Lost Artifacts which explains all about monuments and the mysterious island


please read before asking

I have missed this quest! Why can’t I start it yet?
You cannot miss main quests they have to be completed in order. You need to complete all previous quests (list can be found here) and reach level 10 before you can start this quest

Can I complete this quest even though I have passed level 10?
Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically

How do I download bridge schematics on a computer?
Buy a computer in the game and select the option

Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item?
Blue footprints appear when your sim cannot access an item you want them to use, you need to either rotate the item or move an item that has been placed in front of it so they can use it

What do you mean when you say a goal can be started early?
Any goal that you can normally do can be started early because you will have access to it and any goal that you can’t normally do you will have to wait until you get the goal to be able to complete it
The tip with this method is to put the sim doing that action early in a different house that you cannot go to until you get that goal or it will not work

I can’t afford the mysterious bridge, how can I earn more simoleons?
This post may help

Can I build the bridge early?
No, you cannot build the bridge until you get the goal in this quest

What do I get if I complete this quest in the time limit?
The sentinel replica

What happens if I don’t complete in the time limit, can I still finish this quest?
Yes you have to finish it to unlock the mysterious island before you can move onto the next quest

I didn’t complete in the time limit, can I restart the quest?
No, you cannot redo quests

Can I still get the prize if I don’t complete in the time limit?
No, the only way to get the limited time prizes is by completing the quest in the time limit

I don’t like this quest! Can I just skip it?
No, you have to complete this quest before you can move onto the next one

Some times are slightly different on my game, why is this?
Times may vary depending on the star rating of the item you are using, as the higher star rating an item has the quicker you will complete a goal

Some times are really off/ different goals show for me, why is this?
This will be because the quest has been updated recently, I try my best to keep these posts up to date but it is difficult as I cannot redo every quest each time the game is updated. If you notice any changes please let me know so I can update the post

Have you posted about the monuments yet?
Yes, it took me a long time but I have finally finished my monuments post, click here to read it

My game is stuck on level 10, why is this?
Once you reach level 10 your game needs to download additional content, this link explains what it is but it doesn’t say how to do it, I’m guessing your game should do it automatically. If you still can’t progress you may need to contact the makers to see if they can fix this for you.

The next quest is Raiders of the Lost Artifacts which explains all about monuments and the mysterious island

Last updated March 2020


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273 thoughts on “The Sims Freeplay- The Mysterious Island Quest

  1. Do you have posted somewhere how many of each orb is needed for the different places on the island? That is really all I have left to unlock and I always get confused.


    please read the post and these questions before asking

    I have missed this quest! Why can’t I start it yet?
    You cannot miss main quests they have to be completed in order. You need to complete all previous quests (list can be found here) and reach level 10 before you can start this quest

    Can I complete this quest even though I am passed level 10?
    Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically

    How do I download bridge schematics on a computer?
    Buy a computer in the game and select the option

    Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item?
    Blue footprints appear when your sim cannot access an item you want them to use, you need to either rotate the item or move an item that has been placed in front of it so they can use it

    What do you mean when you say a goal can be started early?
    Any goal that you can normally do can be started early because you will have access to it and any goal that you can’t normally do you will have to wait until you get the goal to be able to complete it
    The tip with this method is to put the sim doing that action early in a different house that you cannot go to until you get that goal or it will not work

    I can’t afford the mysterious bridge, how can I earn more simoleons?
    This post may help

    Can I build the bridge early?
    No, you cannot build the bridge until you get the goal in this quest

    What do I get if I complete this quest in the time limit?
    The sentinel replica

    What happens if I don’t complete in the time limit, can I still finish this quest?
    Yes you have to finish it to unlock the mysterious island before you can move onto the next quest

    I didn’t complete in the time limit, can I restart the quest?
    No, you cannot redo quests

    Can I still get the prize if I don’t complete in the time limit?
    No, the only way to get the limited time prizes is by completing the quest in the time limit

    I don’t like this quest! Can I just skip it?
    No, you have to complete this quest before you can move onto the next one

    Some times are slightly different on my game, why is this?
    Times may vary depending on the star rating of the item you are using, as the higher star rating an item has the quicker you will complete a goal

    Some times are really off/ different goals show for me, why is this?

    This will be because the quest has been updated recently, I try my best to keep these posts up to date but it is difficult as I cannot redo every quest each time the game is updated. If you notice any changes please let me know so I can update the post

    Why haven’t you posted about monuments yet?
    I am still in the process of building all the monuments on the island but as soon as I have I will create a post- I haven’t forgotten, it just takes a while to get the rare items!

    My game is stuck on level 10, why is this?
    Once you reach level 10 your game needs to download additional content, this link explains what it is but it doesn’t say how to do it, I’m guessing your game should do it automatically. If you still can’t progress you may need to contact the makers to see if they can fix this for you.

    • Well thanks for mentioning that you don’t have all your monuments yet either! I went back to see when Mystery island was introduced (since Ive played from the beginning also). I knew it had been at least 3 years. Wow, and a few more months will make 4. I still dont have everything complete! At least i don’t feel so bad knowing that i am not the only one!

      • Yes its one of those things that unless you use LPs to complete it takes a very long time! Every so often I upgrade another one but I’m not wasting all my LPs on it!

  3. Are you finished with the monuments? Can you show us how to get the items especially the rare ones. Its so hard. Please help. Thank you

    • I am not finished with the monuments but it isn’t possible to tell you how to find the resources as any action you do could find you them, it is completely random and the rare ones just take longer to find.

  4. I’m curious as to how much progress on the monument levels other players have made. I play daily, several times a day. I have Level 54 Simtown, but all of my monuments are Level 13 or lower. I don’t spend my LP on the monuments, but I feel like my progress is abnormally slow!

  5. Hi? I did his quest in time and i received the goal so i wanted to get my sentinel replica but when i tried to get it it was already with cost i didnt buy bc i won’t give this statue 7,000 but how am i gonna get my free sentinel replica? Please answer ♡

  6. I wasn’t able to finish the quest. I wasn’t able to unlock the bridge as well so i can’t go to the mysterious island. You said i can still finish it without getting the prize as i wasn’t able to finish on time. How can i finish the quest and unlock the bridge so i can get to the island? Thank you for your help.

  7. Hi. I’m on the mysterious island quest and I am now on the bake croissants task. I tried to bake them ahead of time but the quest didn’t register that I baked them and I have to do it again. By the way, I love your blog!!! I don’t know what I would do without it in my sims world!

    • That is probably because you went to the house too early, you need to stay away from that house until you get the goal to bake croissants otherwise it doesn’t work.

  8. I can’t find this quest! I’m at level27 and I’ve completed the previous quest already. Where can I find it? How do I start this quest?

    • Do you have the bridge to the mysterious island yet? If you have then you may have already completed this quest without realising. If not, click on the active tasks tab and this will show you all your current quests and tasks to complete, it should be in there if it is your next quest to complete.

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